Digital oil painting is made by computer. The canvas is divided several color lumps, then digitalized filling the paint in the lumps according to the colors on canvas, just like practice calligraphy to trace the shades again on paper.
But handmade oil painting is totally different, according to the photograph or offered materials to create hand painted canvas, which is a complicate process from the drafts to complete artwork. Every painting is the achievement of a mass of time spending, and every procedure is represented on the painting.
Briefly speaking, the handmade wedding portrait painting are made through different methods of individual hand painting or carton hand painting by professional painter. And they have the following advantages:
Hand painted wedding portrait has its special features. And you needn’t to pose for the photograph. Try to be a creative and smart bride for your unique wedding portrait.
Custom Painting is recomposed according to offered materials, making the picture with more levels and vitals, moreover with the creativity and ideas of the owner, which is a unique
canvas art. But the digital oil painting can be made by anyone.
Handmade oil painting is a real artwork with preserving and increasing the value, while the digital
print photo on canvas is one type of commodity, industrial products, without any maintenance and appreciation of values.
From the texture material, the quality of canvas is the best for handmade oil on canvas, and the painting can be reserved for long time, even hundred years. But the digital oil painting used the common quality material, which is for short time reserve, not for long time.
What’s more, the digital photo canvas printing is DIY products, but the handmade oil painting is one kind of high-end artwork for the people with good taste and standing position.
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