
Methods to Protect and Wash Oil Painting Brushes

Methods to Protect and Wash Oil Painting Brushes
The Oil painting brushes will harden if the brushes cannot be cleaned timely after used. Then the brushes cannot be used for second time, which will not only cause the waste of resources but also cannot make a contribution to protecting the environment. The only reason why the brushes become harden is the improper preservation. So we are going to introduce some methods to help you with your oil painting brushes.
Acrylic painting brushes should be timely cleaned after used to avoid pigment stain the painting hair. The painting brushes should be completely cleaned and sealed with paper.

Firstly, wipe the brush on a rag or paper to remove the remaining paint, next wash it with appropriate solvent, such as turpentine. Then put it into the water.
Secondly, when you are washing with turpentine, you should prepare two bottles, one for preliminary washing to clean the remaining pigment; the other for a further washing. You must be patient to wash it which can help you paint a perfect portrait oil painting.
Thirdly, after using turpentine oil cleaning the brushes, you can put it into the water or warm water and then brush it on the soap, working the soap into the bristles. (Attention: Don’t use boiled water because boil water can cause damage to the ferrule of oil painting brush.)

Next, rinse the brush under running water. At the meantime, you should rub the bristles between your fingers, but be very gentle.
Of course one time is not enough. Remember to repeat above operation until the paintbrush cleaned.
At last, remember that it is very important for you to paint a perfect painting on canvas, so follow the last point. When the bristle has been clean, shake or blot out the extra water. If necessary, wrap the bristle in a piece of paper when the brush is still wet. When the paper dries, it will contract. Please pull the bristle into shape.

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